
Showing posts from July, 2018

How to Fix a Canon Printer U150 Error

Life has become quite easy with all sophisticated devices available these days. We think of something and we get it done the next moment using these devices. However, these devices also bring along their set of problems. Be it a system or a printer, errors do happen. Sometimes these technical glitches occur at the most crucial times. We are sure that you must also have experienced such situations. Often, when you are in a hurry to take a printout and your Canon printer refuses to work, you feel frustrated and angry. Though Canon is a trustworthy name, errors happen even with these printers. A very common error with Canon printer is error U150. This error code indicates that your printer is unable to read the cartridges installed in the printer. This article is to give you an in-depth knowledge about why this error occurs and what can be done to resolve this without any technical support. Causes of Canon U150 Error  No error is without any reason. For the Canon Printer U150 e

How to Fix Ricoh Printer Error Code SC542

Ricoh printers are capable of efficiently produce high level of printing quality based on very simple user friendly operating system. All you need to do to continue reaping the efficiency- is to take care of the machine form time to time and maintain good printer habits. Such as: If you have a lot of documents to be printed, divide it into batches of print commands instead of pushing everything in one go. This allows printer to maintain printing efficiency. As it affects your printer when it is not used for a very long time, similarly it is not advisable to use to use it continuously without giving your printer any break at all. Talking about rest period leads us to the topic of this article- ‘ Ricoh printer error sc542 . ’ It is caused due to some of the bad printer habits we practice. Let us look into its troubleshooting methods in detail! Steps to Fix Error Code sc542on Ricoh printer In Ricoh printer range of line whenever you see any error starting with ‘SC’, re